Monday, June 8, 2009

Dominican Repudlic

Dominican Republic is a beautiful inland it gate Beach's,river,parks,places,capital,people and more La Vega is the place that i live is a go place to life i gate rives,parks and more the place that i live in la Vega is pueblo Viejo.Pueblo Viejo is i god naeborjut that the people life on peace in D.R we call the the stors carmados and is i litte place that the people go and bae the spof like rice, bens,chiken,and the stof that you net for the kitchen and the battrome.

history of Dominican Repudlic

The Dominican Republic Spanise pública Dominicana Spanish pronunciationis a nation on the island of Hispaniolapart of the Greater Antilles archipelago in the Caribbean region. The western third of the island is occupied by the nation of Haiti making Hispaniola one of two Caribbean islands that are occupied by two countries Saint Martin being the other. Both by area and population, the Dominican Republic is the second largest Caribbean island nation after Cubawith 48,442 km² and an estimated 10.1 million people.

Inhabited by Taínos since the 7th century, the Dominican Republic was reached by Christopher Columbusin 1492 and became the site of the first permanent erope settlementin the Americas namely Santo Domingothe country's capital and Spain first capital in the New World. In Santo Domingo stand, among other firsts in the Americas the first university cathedral and castle, the latter two in the Ciudad Colonialarea, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Why the 5 grande shot not be on are fell day

The 5 grander shot not be on are fell day because they are not responsible to be in are fell day and they same times when they go to the park,trips,and parties and they don't in date OS to the places that they go they are go in to a fell tripe and they don't tell OS if Way gaunt to go the go to the the Bronx zoo and they don't tell OS and they what to go to are fell day.

Same of the times they what to go to are trips and whey say yes but whee we tell day if cut go they say no and if the do Danit to OS why whey cant do int and they are Geller's because we are in the big grander and in the best place of the school.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Baseball is a bat-and-ballsport played between two teams of nine players each. The goal is to score runs by hitting a thrown ball with a bat and touching a series of four bases arranged at the corners of a ninety-foot square, or diamond. Players on one team (the batting team take turns hitting against the pitcher of the other team the fielding team which tries to stop them from scoring runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance via a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for each team constitutes an inning nine innings make up a professional game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.
Evolving from older bat-and-ball games, an early form of baseball was being played in England by the mid-eighteenth century. This game and the related rounders were brought by British and Irish immigrants to North America, where the modern version of baseball developed By the late nineteenth century, baseball was widely recognized as the national sport of the United States. Baseball on the professional, amateur, and youth levels is now popular in North America, parts of Central and South America and the Caribbean, and parts of East Asia. The game is sometimes referred to as hardball, in contrast to the derivative game of softball.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The food that i don't like

The food that i don't like is the rice give egg plants because is tasty bad and it have sees in said and is purple and it got bad tens in Sade. I don't like the egg plants because the people sea that is bad but same of the people sea that tasty god.And the people don't eat so Gael and i don't like to eat the egg plants.

The egg plants are go and halting and it got
a,b,c and it not give you i flu.Iwait the egg plant is naste and is bad for my.